Antique Integrated Area Development (ANIAD) Program
ANIAD is a community-based program that covers the whole province of Antique. It aims to reduce poverty, contribute to people empowerment, and help ensure the viability of biophysical and human resources.
The program started in 1988 with funding from the local government. After the interim period (1988-1990), it was implemented in three phases. Phase I (January 1991-April 1994) had community organizing, lowland agricultural development, upland development, and institutional development as major components. Phase II (May 1994-August 1998) had gender-sensitive community organizing, access to and control over resources, sustainable productive use of resources, and institutional development.
Phase III (September 1998-June 2003) had sustainable crop and livestock industries, critical area protection, and coastal resource management, with institutional development as a continuing component.
As a result of the program, Antique had been upgraded by the Department of Budget and Management from third class to second class province in 2002.
It was also removed from the list of 20 poorest provinces by the National Statistics Coordinating Board.
Other improvements are: increase in average annual income from P24,400 in 1990 to P39,600 in 2002, safe drinking water, electricity (78% of households), toilets (96%), access to telephones and cellphones (68%, from 3% in 1990), and increase in number of appliances.
It had enhanced livelihood opportunities, reduced farm production costs, improved land tenure status of farmers, enhanced technical knowledge and skills of households, and improved people’s values.
This program is recognized as a Trailblazing Program, a finalist for the 2004 Galing Pook Awards.