Improving Local Government Income through Municipal Economic Enterprise and Development Office
Naawan, Misamis Oriental
In 2003, Naawan’s public economic enterprises were all in the red.
Managed by the Municipal Treasurer’s Office and the Municipal Engineer’s Office, neither could effectively handle the program as both were already overburdened by their main duties.
The irony is that the program was meant to bring in revenue but became a drain on the municipality’s resources instead.
With help from the Philippine-Canada Local Government Support Program (LGSP), a separate Municipal Economic Enterprise and Development Office (MEEDO) was established to manage the operation of public economic enterprises. By 2004, the office posted a positive income for the first time in three years.
The income came from a substantial increase in water collection which nearly hit P1 million–higher than the combined collection in the past four years. The LGU Dairy Goat Breeding Station contributes an average of P1,000 a day while sale of goat’s milk also adds to the municipality’s income. And though the trend for market collection registers fluctuations, it posted its highest revenues in 2004 at P356,996.
The creation of the MEEDO through an ordinance ensures the program will continue even beyond the terms of office of its proponents. Its establishment and implementation took only seven months and could easily be replicated by other municipalities.
Through the program, Naaweños now get better public services which adequately provide for their present needs.
This program is recognized as a Trailblazing Program, a finalist for the 2005 Galing Pook Awards.