Lingap Tanaw
Naujan, Oriental Mindoro
Driven by the desire to transform Naujan from a sleepy town to a vibrant and progressive community, the municipal leadership launched this program to mobilize the resources and talents of Naujenos living outside of Naujan and the non-government organizations. It gave life to a popular saying: “You can take the Naujeno out of Naujan, but you cannot take Naujan out of the Naujeno. It is in the heart.” Fifteen barangays were identified as priority areas for development intervention to augment family income and enhance their sense of consciousness and belongingness as Naujenos. The program also aimed to update Najuenos about their hometown and renew linkages between the Naujenos inside and outside of Naujan. The program adopted the Social Reform Agenda-Minimum Basic Needs (SRA-MBN) approach to determine the actual conditions of the basic sectors and mobilize other sectors in harnessing linkages with Naujenos living outside.
The MBN approach proved effective in stimulating interest and participation of the residents who readily volunteered to support the goals of the program. The program reached its beneficiaries through the activities of its three major components: Linggap sa Barangay (Livelihood), Kalusugan sa Barangay (Health) and Linggap Tanaw Kalinga (Clinics ran by Naujenos medical doctors living outside). The program is a showcase of an effective LGU-NGO-PO partnership and has shown significant contribution to the improvement of the social, economic and health conditions of the people. It also helped transform attitudes and behaviors of people from helpfulness and apathy to active participation and concern. Naujan’s outmigrants had shown that even if they are no longer in Naujan physically, they can still affect changes in Naujan and be of service to their hometown. Naujan has grown from third class to a first class municipality pending approval of the reclassification.
This program is recognized as a Trailblazing Program, a finalist for the 1997 Galing Pook Awards.