Satellite Libraries
Puerto Princesa City, Palawan
The program addresses the long felt need for reading and research materials of the 12,000 student population in 42 far-flung barangays or the city. Not one of the 42 elementary schools and seven high schools has a library. One satellite library was established in each of the seven barangay high schools managed by a barangay library aide and supervised by the city librarian. The building has been constructed by their respective barangays out of their own funds.
As an information and resource center, each library is equipped with research and instructional materials, encyclopedias, reference materials, books, magazines, newspapers and a variety of livelihood and how-to materials which were either purchased by the city government or donated by private organizations. The program is funded out of the twenty percent development fund of the city. The program has not only developed the reading habit of the residents and students but has also improved their reading and spelling skills and overall aptitude level. Average rate of daily users ranges from 30 to 40, majority of whom are students followed by housewives and out-of-school youths. Women, mostly housewives, find the library an alternative source of learning especially on new livelihood technologies from the Technology and Livelihood Resource Center teach-yourself livelihood manuals.
This program is recognized as a Trailblazing Program, a finalist for the 1996 Galing Pook Awards.