Sta. Maria Waste Processing and Recycling Plant
Sta. Maria, Bulacan
Conceived in 1994 and implemented by the local government unit, the Sta. Marla Economic Foundation, an NGO and AWARE, a private enterprise, the program was designed as a self-sustaining operation that aims to Institutionalize zero waste management in the municipality. It includes activities such as the separation of biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes, collection and delivery of wastes to the plant, processing and recycling, product marketing and others. Biodegradable wastes which represent thirty eight percent (38%) of the total garbage collected per day are recycled into organic fertilizer which improves production yields of rice and vegetable farms while the non biodegradable wastes are sold to recyclers and manufacturers.
The waste processing and recycling facility Is capable of producing 90 bag5 of organic fertilizer daily or 2,700 bags worth P100 each. The organic fertilizer produced from recycling is environment friendly because it is not acidic and it enhances the fertility of the soil at a much reduced rate compared to commercial ones. The reduction recovery reuse concept in waste disposal was made successful with the participation of the people in segregating their wastes and with strong discipline and new mindset that wastes can be made more productive. Benefits to residents are not limited to livelihood activities but also includes protection from pollution, flood and epidemic. In addition, without the recycling plan the municipal government would have faced problems in health and sanitation and would have spent more money in acquiring an additional damp site to accommodate the increasing volume of garbage generated In the municipality.
This program is recognized as one of the Ten Outstanding Programs in the 1996 Galing Pook Awards.