Sustainable Food Security Program in Davao Province
Davao del Norte
The program aims to improve the quality of life of farmers through food sufficiency, increased income, and profitability. New technologies were introduced to make farming more productive: trichoderma, trichogramma, integrated pest management and the use of drum seeder in planting rice. Support Infrastructure and post-harvest facilities were also provided such as: watershed development, water impounding projects, communal irrigation systems, solar and mechanical driers and warehouses.
Productivity level of the 27,000-hectare rice farms increased by one metric ton per hectare while corn production in the 9,000-hectare corn farms increased by 2 metric tons per hectare. This benefitted 21,231 rice farmers and 6,000 corn farmers. Production Increase was also significant in high value crops and vegetables, fish catch and pond yields. Home Improvements, purchase of new appliances and farm implements, and increase in loan repayments to cooperatives indicated increases in income of the beneficiaries.
All these were achieved through the adoption of the following strategies: strengthening of the 494 agri-based cooperatives; Intensive promotion of new technologies; active involvement or the farmers in construction of support infrastructure; transportation and marketing support; participation and sharing of resources by line agencies, government and private financing institutions, non government organizations, people's organizations and cooperatives.
This program is recognized as one of the Ten Outstanding Programs in the 1996 Galing Pook Awards.